Date2 August 2024 (Friday)
Time09:30 – 11:00
Name of the activityTeamwork Adventure: Navigating the Funny Side of Management
Introduction of activityIn this activity, participants will take part in storytelling and chain reaction games. By working together to achieve the goals, participants will learn about the study of management discipline in a fun and engaging way. The games will enhance mutual understanding, promote teamwork, and develop problem-solving, collaboration, and strategic thinking skills among the participants.
Format of ActivityGame, competition and demo lecture
Medium of InstructionCantonese supplemented with English
Introduction to Instructor(s)Dr. HUANG Kai Wai, Willy
Department of Management

Dr. Huang earned his PhD in Economics from the University of Birmingham, U.K. He has solid teaching experiences in Business and Social Sciences for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Hong Kong and the U.K. Apart from teaching, Dr Huang has been writing commentaries and working with stakeholders in the private sector on public policy area such as population policy and retirement income protection. His research interest focuses on labour economics, population economics and education innovation.
School / DepartmentDepartment of Management
Related Undergraduate Programme(s)Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Global Business Management

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Human Resource Management

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Management

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